US police arrest anti-Israel protesters at Capitol building

U.S. Capitol Police say they have arrested a group of demonstrators who held an anti-Israel demonstration in the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building. Jewish Voice for Peace said about 400 members of the far-left anti-Israel group gathered in the rotunda to protest Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech to Congress and the sale of U.S. weapons to Israel amid the ongoing war in Gaza. “We are arresting a group that was illegally demonstrating inside the Cannon Rotunda,” Capitol Police said in a statement. “Demonstrations are not allowed inside the Capitol building. We told those who entered lawfully to stop or they would be arrested. They did not stop, so we are arresting them.” A congressional aide to Michigan Democrat Dan Kildee told Politico that their office asked police for help because demonstrators were “violently banging on all three doors of our congressional office” and “violently yelling and swearing.” Police did not say how many people were detained, but the JVP claimed more than 300 people were arrested and posted photos online of demonstrators being zip-tied and led out of the building.