Palestinian protesters chanted “Death to America” ​​and set the American flag on fire, but New York police did nothing


Palestinian activists in New York City have ignited controversy after they burned an American flag and chanted ‘Death to America’ next to a police station in New York City. The shocking act came amid a nationwide day of protests, including the occupation of bridges and street disturbances to aid Palestinians. Shocking scenes took place on the streets of New York City on Monday as Palestinian activists set a US flag held by Israeli supporters on fire and chanted ‘Death to America!’, right under the noses of the New York Police Department. There were audible gasps as the Stars and Stripes flag held by a pro-Israel counter-protester was set on fire and then waved in the air – bright yellow flames could be seen coming out of the flag. Police officers stood at the protest site outside the New York Stock Exchange and could be seen holding down the flag and extinguishing the flames as it landed. Moments later, a protester shouted ‘Death to America’. The police appeared oblivious to what was happening in front of them and they did not appear motivated to pursue the man who was shouting the offensive slogan. The shocking scenes were part of a day of protests planned across the country, with protesters blocking the Brooklyn Bridge, San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge and access to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport in an organized attempt to bring the United States to its knees and cause maximum inconvenience. Outside Brooklyn City Hall, another protester burned an American flag on Monday. Amid cheers, one man shouted: ‘Today America is broken. Now America is broken. America will always be broken.’

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