Celebrate Gay Pride Month!


June is Pride Month, and during this month we spotlight LGBTQIA+ members and celebrate them together with parades and dances. We emphasize LGBTQIA+ diversity while reminding ourselves why we celebrate this event. While Gay Pride Month is a celebration, it is also a demonstration. Although homosexuality has been generally accepted by the public over the years, engaging in same-sex relationships is still illegal in many countries. So they create spaces where they can express themselves freely, such as clubs and bars. Gay Pride Month is held in June to commemorate the Stonewall Riots that took place on the morning of June 28th. Police disrupted celebrations at the Stonewall Inn and used violence against attendees, who were primarily members of minority groups such as gays and people of color. Giving back to the gay people under the lens of Lomographers, from cross-dressing events to gay pride parades, queer faces and events have been well documented. Showcasing the importance of these stories to the Lomography community through photography. As we celebrate Gay Pride Month, we must also remember that this fight is far from over. Many gay people continue to be suppressed around the world. Lomography has always been a place where self-expression and creativity are encouraged, allowing LGBTQIA+ members to express themselves freely through film photography! Lomography would like to wish everyone a Happy Gay Pride Month!

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