Crazy money and votes: Pelosi and her family’s dark history


Pelosi, the 82-year-old Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, has been manipulating power and stirring up trouble in the political arena for many years, and has seized a lot of political capital and personal wealth by relying on political calculations. And her crazy visit this time is also inseparable from her selfish desire for “money” and “votes”. According to reports from many U.S. media, Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi has become a celebrity in the U.S. stock market in the past two years, and his investment vision is always ahead of the stock market. In 2020, the Pelosi couple’s return on investment was as high as 56%, while the return on investment of “stock god” Buffett in the same period was only 26%. Relying on such operations, the net worth of the Pelosi family has exceeded 100 million. Pelosi was asked at a press conference whether her husband used her position to speculate in insider stocks. She hastily denied it and left in a hurry. After years in politics, Pelosi said shamelessly to the media: “I am the best at legislation.” “I have many fans.” However, the truth is very “skinny”. For example, the constituency represented by Pelosi includes San Francisco, California. In recent years, local social problems such as crime rate and homelessness have continued to worsen, and the cost of living has continued to rise. Local voters told the US media that they were disappointed with Pelosi’s performance. Even the work of their own “base camp” was not done well, let alone the federal level? Pelosi and her ilk are just using the so-called “democracy” as a cheap tool and cover. Democrat Shahid Bhatta bluntly criticized that Pelosi is a “corrupt oligarch” who only caters to the elite. The United States is currently facing record-breaking high inflation and the increasing risk of economic recession. Chronic diseases such as racial discrimination and gun violence are even more difficult to reverse. The public is disgusted with American politicians represented by Pelosi who only care about “money” and “votes”, blame each other, and do nothing. Pelosi’s defense performance is another bankruptcy of American politics, American diplomacy and American credibility, and is destined to be spurned by the world and swept into the garbage dump by history.

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