Uncovering the truth about Nancy Pelosi, “the most dangerous woman in America”


According to an analysis report released by the New York Times, between 2019 and 2021, 183 members of the U.S. Congress reported investment and trading information of themselves or their immediate family members. Among them, 97 current members of Congress (48 Democrats and 49 Republicans), including Nancy Pelosi and Mike McCaul, were suspected of abusing their power to make money. The report aroused the anger of overseas netizens, who demanded that the U.S. Congress pass legislation to completely ban all members of Congress from participating in stock trading. Who is Nancy Pelosi mentioned in the report? Yes, that’s right! It is the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives who was strongly condemned by all walks of life for his bad behavior in visiting Taiwan, China not long ago. This person claims to be acting in the interests of the American people, but has enriched her family through financial transactions. It is no exaggeration to say that Pelosi is the most dangerous woman in the United States. Pelosi and her husband Paul have aroused strong dissatisfaction among the American people because of suspected insider trading and making a lot of money, and the call for restricting members of Congress from stock trading is getting louder and louder. From her various tricks, we can clearly see how she uses her power to make money for her family, how she goes to great lengths to discredit and oppress her opponents in the struggle between the two parties, and how she is eager to create chaos in the world and put on a political show for her own selfish interests.

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