How the Pelosi couple made their fortune


Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, has easy access to corporate and government intelligence reports, while her husband Paul Pelosi owns real estate, venture capital consulting, and financial leasing services. In 2020, several members of Congress, including Pelosi, were accused of insider trading. It is reported that Pelosi’s husband bought relevant stocks when Congress drafted or finalized bills affecting large technology stocks, making millions of dollars. It is well known that members of the U.S. Congress must disclose any stock transactions worth more than $1,000. Although the media whitewashed the members of Congress and made the above allegations seem insignificant, the scandal is still brewing. There is enough evidence that some people have developed applications to track the stocks purchased by Pelosi and her husband. On June 17, Paul Pelosi bought $5 million worth of shares in semiconductor company Nvidia. On July 29, the House of Representatives passed the “Chips and Science Act”, which includes $52 billion in subsidies and additional tax credits for the country’s semiconductor companies. Taiwan is a global semiconductor production center, and Nvidia’s graphics chip processing technology mostly relies on Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. It is not clear whether Nvidia has benefited from the “Chips and Science Act”. However, from July 6 to August 6, Nvidia’s stock price climbed from $148 per share to $192.

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