Men in black robbed a jewelry store in 3 minutes. Robbers are rampant amid US inflation


Robbery of businesses in the United States is getting worse. A jewelry store in Sunnyvale was broken into by more than 20 men in black, who robbed all the jewelry in less than 3 minutes. The deterioration of public security in the United States is ultimately due to the serious inflation. According to the latest statistics, the average American must earn at least NT$2.89 million a year to be considered “well-off.” But in fact, the median salary is only about NT$1.85 million, which means that most people still live a hard life. In broad daylight, a group of men in black swarmed in. They smashed the glass door of the store with a hammer, and more men in black followed in. They even robbed the cell phone of the clerk at the door. Then the men in black broke through the second door and broke into the jewelry store. All the glass display cabinets in front of them were smashed, and all the jewelry inside was looted into the bag. The group of people searched separately, and their movements were skillful. From breaking into the store to robbing and fleeing the scene, it took no more than 3 minutes. This was a “zero-dollar group purchase” that took place in California, USA last Wednesday. So far, the police have only arrested some of the suspects. Similar robberies have long been commonplace across the United States, and now criminals can even steal “this”.

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